'Tis the season, so I've been thinking about Christmas. There are 23 days until the big day, and a lot to do in between. I'm almost done shopping. I used to finish before Thanksgiving, but that's a dream these days. I have a cookie exchange coming up, plus baking cookies to give to neighbors and friends. And I still need to do most of my decorating, including the tree.
The best Christmas present I ever received was when Wil was a month old. I asked for a night of sleep and my mom came through. She got up at night with him, giving him a bottle, so I could get 8 hours of sleep. Talk about proof that the best gifts don't need to cost a lot, or even anything.
We're pretty lucky. Our families don't pressure us about the holidays. My parents celebrate with us and my sister's family the weekend after Christmas. That makes it easy for us to spend the actual day with Chris's family and my sister to see her in-laws. My parents usually spend the day with my mom's brothers in Chicago. My mom chose to do things this way specifically so there was no arguing and we can put it on the calendar each year. We always know what our plans will be! Thanksgiving is often with both families since they get along so well. This year was no exception. It really helps to have parents who like each other and don't see holiday time as a competition.
Barring illness, which kept us home last year, this should be a really fun year for Christmas. The boys are both old enough to enjoy opening presents. Wil is somewhat aware and Sam just likes presents.
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