But this time, when the bananas were removed, the fruit flies didn't go away. Usually they disappear within a day or two, but they keep multiplying this time. And I haven't figured out where they are lurking.
So I did what anyone living in the future would do: I googled 'fruit fly trap'. Along with ones you can purchase, I found a recipe to make my very own, with ingredients I have in my kitchen:
Pour a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl or jar. Add a few drops of dish soap. Leave it where they congregate.
I put out the trap yesterday afternoon. This is what it looks like this morning:
Fruit fly trap in action |
I found out the hard way that it also works with an old bottle of wine with a little wine left in the bottom. (Not THAT hard way though, I didn't try drinking it, I just wasted wine by leaving it out.)